On Monday, I road on the back of a motorcycle to language class wearing a short-sleeved shirt, as usual. However, this specific Monday I realized that I was almost shivering. The phrase, "It's cold today," is a new one for us to be using here in Phnom Penh. The climate is changing...
With the climate change has come our share of colds. Bethany was the first to come down with a cold, passing it to Juliana, and then Juliana to Kai, and now I've got a bit of a sore throat. It was hard to hear Juliana and Kai echoing coughs back and forth through several nights this past weekend. They both are on antibiotics and we're seeing some improvement. We look forward to returning to good health.
Juliana's excited about the weather because she now gets to wear pajamas to bed! She's thrilled about the new "jammies" that Bethany picked out for her at a nearby market the other week. (She's also sporting her new haircut!)
What's cool weather without doing some baking? Last week marked the first time our family made cookies together here in Cambodia. We made a batch of chocolate- and butterscotch-chip oatmeal cookies. Above, Kai is doing his part in helping the process.
Our hearts have been warmed with the visit of Skip and Carol Tobin, EMM Regional Reps. for Cambodia. We enjoyed spending time together this past weekend, visiting and "checking up" on how we're doing. We continue to appreciate the servant leaders that they are.
Above and below are two pictures of the church Ministry Team meeting that Skip and Carol led at our house with the Phnom Penh Mennonite Church.
That's all for this week. Blessings to you from afar!