Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Our New Home, Part One
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wedding Bells in France
I had the honor of being Rodney's best man. Somehow it wasn't hard to say "Cheese!" in France.
The wedding reception was held at an old stone castle. It was a photographer's delight. Here the newlyweds pose with Mom, Dad, and I.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
August Beach Vacation
We had great food all week, and loved the fresh rolls at every meal!
Hello?... Hello!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A Week With the Coats Family
A transplanted field of rice
Juliana and Kai play at the Coats' water pump (J's feet are resting on the levers where one stands to pump water with the feet, somewhat like an exercise machine!)
We got to do lots of bike-riding as a family, since one of their bikes had a toddler seat for Kai. (We hope to have one made for our own bike here.) Another highlight, especially for the kids, was Jesse's free-range flock of chickens which ran around the property, and the family's two kittens, Velvet and Quilt. Below, Velvet patiently allows Juliana to pet him, something he apparently doesn't do for the Coats'!
15-year-old Micah and 12-year-old Jesse give Kai and Juliana shoulder rides
Monday, July 13, 2009
Recent Snapshots...
We have begun studying with private language helpers and will consider starting the 3rd Level of university class in October.
Big news for Phnom Penh Mennonite Church! For the first time ever, a delegation from the church was sent to attend the Mennonite World Conference in Paraguay last week! Anna Showalter (who served in Cambodia with EMM's YES program several years ago) spear-headed the whole idea, Franklin Mennonite Conference financially supported the trip, and Ryan took care of the travel and registration details. Chomno and Kosal (above) are excited and grateful for the opportunity to connect with Mennonite believers from around the world. They are excited for what the experience means for them personally and for the Phnom Penh Mennonite congregation. We are excited to hear from them about their experience and the fresh vision they have for Christian community life. (They return the 21st of July.)
Before you leave the blog, Juliana asks you to, "Say cheese!" She loves taking pictures with the camera that her creative Mommy helped her fashion.
Monday, June 22, 2009
School's Out!
Juliana with preschool teachers and assistants - Miss Sopheak and Miss Somphoa from Cambodia (standing in the back), Miss Rose from the Philippines (kneeling on left) and Mrs. Katy from New Zealand (and Josiah snuck in, too!)
Since school's out, Juliana's added playing "school" to her make-believe play repertoire. She also recently got play-married to her brother Kai (despite her previous declaration to never marry so that she wouldn't have to leave her beloved family! When asked for comment, she replied, "It's just pretend married, when I'm little.") Here are a few "wedding photos" of the newlywed couple...
"You may now kiss the groom." Note the ring on her finger, and the headband with attached wig of long, fake hair. (Thanks, MawMaw!)
We've also rediscovered a book on our shelf - 501 TV-Free Activities for Kids - which has already contributed to the creativity in our household - just in time for summer break! Juliana and I made a hobby horse together out of an old mop-stick, cloth diapers, one of Daddy's socks, and other odds-and-ends. We're currently in the process of turning two milk-powder cans into stilts, so there's no end in sight to the creativity around here!
And in other news, Ryan and I are entering our last week of classes at Institute of Foreign Languages for this term. We will miss our wonderful teacher, Phara, as he doesn't teach the 3rd and 4th levels. This past weekend, one of our classmates hosted a carry-in dinner party, and we had fun sharing Western and Asian food dishes with each other. We tried kimchi (sp?), the Korean staple made from pickled Chinese cabbage, garlic, hot chilies, etc. Our Korean and Khmer friends enjoyed baked corn, PA-style, and someone's chocolate brownies received a favorable review from at least one uninitiated Korean. It's been fun to learn more about other cultures, in addition to our Khmer culture discoveries.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Family Devotions, 4-Year-Old Preachers, etc.
Daddy loves singing and dancing with his two little ones.
Other recent tidbits about the kids...
Juliana recently got a hair cut, a pretty significant one too. In the hot weather, having her hair off her neck will help to prevent the heat rash that she's often had in the past.
The new and improved Juliana!
One of Juliana's recent pretend activities has been leading church services. It's kind of a one-person show. She plays the roles of moderator, worship leader, and preacher.
"Testing, testing; is this on?"
Juliana makes a joyful noise and leads "the congregation" in one of her imaginative praise songs. Lyrics often include phrases that go something like this: "Jesus, you are the Christ; no one can do it. You are the one. Praise the God of the Lord!"
Though I have never heard her preach about being a peacemaker, I recently saw her practice it in her play. She was pretending to be the third of the "Three Little Pigs" and I was the "Big Bad Wolf." When I was tired of huffing and puffing at her brick house, I told her I wanted to come in so I could eat her. Her response surprised me; instead of taunting me or preparing boiling water under the chimney, she invited me in for a meal. She said something like, "Don't eat me. I'll make you some food." The Big Bad Wolf received her generosity, but was a bit baffled when he heard that both menu items were primarily pork products. (Maybe that explains what happened to the 1st and 2nd little pig...)
Juliana and Kai wearing our motorbike helmets just after Bethany and I returned home from Khmer language class. Perhaps they will need some time to grow into them...