Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kids Walking and Talking...

Ah, the joy of having children! As any parent knows, there is something amazing about seeing one's children passing significant milestones. The biggest family news around here is that Kai's having fun learning how to walk around. Granted he sometimes looks like he's not quite sober as he stumbles around, but it's great fun to watch. We've praised his efforts so much that when he walks and we're not looking/praising, he does the cheering himself by saying something that is the equivalent of "Yea! I did it!" He's also becoming more adventourous in eating more "un-pureed big people food." He loves bread, bananas, oranges, and carrots. Below is a picture of the little guy before he had his face wiped after a messy meal.

Juliana continues to amaze us with the way her mind works. She is very observant and asks terrific questions. One of her favorite story books is one about the life of Job. As we read to her, her thoughful theological questions sometimes leave us with no other option but to say, "That's a great question Juliana, I'm not sure how to answer that..."

The way that Juliana articulates her love for her brother and her parents is also quite cute. During one meal she said, "I wanted to share my bread with 'bapes' (Kai's nickname, based on the word 'baby') because I love him and I want him to be my friend." Before going to bed one night, she said, "I love Daddy the best and Mommy the best and I don't want to get married because I want to stay with them." She's really thinking ahead isn't she? Below is a shot of the the little smirking girl. -Ryan

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fun with Parents/Grandparents-Part 3

Our vacation time together was a wonderful time of relaxing and connecting more with Mom and Dad/Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw.

Eating breakfast at the guesthouse where we stayed

Daddy and Juliana posing for a picture with a young crew of traditional "Apsara" dancers. We ate supper at a garden restaurant that also had a live show which included traditional Khmer music and dance.

And what would vacation in January be without some outdoor swimming! Here Kai and Paw-Paw enjoy splashing in the cool water.
Juliana's first experience in a jacuzzi was quite amusing. She laughed up a storm as she felt the jets shoot water against her legs. It was too funny!
At the close of Mom and Dad's time with us here in Cambodia, I asked them, "When people ask you how we are doing, what will you tell them?" After some thought they said that they will share that it seems we're adjusting well to life here. We were happy to hear this. As we continue to go through the "growing pains"of making Cambodia "home," it was helpful to see ourselves through Mom and Dad's eyes and to recognize the progress we've made in being ourselves, learners, and blessings here in this land.
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun with Parents/Grandparents-Part 2

While Mom and Dad were here, we took a vacation trip six hours North to Siem Reap, the most popular tourist area in Cambodia. During one of the days there we took a day to walk around several of the ancient stone temples.

A smiling group. (Juliana was more interested in a new-found flower than seeing some old buildings...)

"Maw-maw", Juliana, and "Paw-paw." This was the first temple we saw and Juliana still had a good amount of energy. She, her brother and her Daddy only lasted half the day of hiking and sightseeing. They chose a nap instead of seeing the famous, "Angkor Wat."

Dad and Bethany in front of "Ankgor Wat," the temple complex that is displayed on the Cambodian flag. The day was fun, but tiring. The rest of the vacation was a bit more relaxing...
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Fun with Parents/Grandparents-Part 1

The past several weeks have been a whirlwind of activity as we had a blast hosting Mom and Dad Freed. It was a real privilege and treat for us to have them here as they got to experience what life and ministry is like in Cambodia. This is the first of several blogs we'll post about our time together. This blog will feature various activities we did in Phnom Penh, our home city.

Mom and Dad enjoying good ol' Asian "Bubble Tea."

Dad, Mom, Bethany, and Les Frey at Toul Sleng Genocide Museum. (Les was in Cambodia for a short time with Global Disciples, doing some agricultural teaching.)

Dad gives Juliana a "Whoop-dee-doo" and gets lots of giggles in return.

Dad talks with Piseth after the Sunday service at Phnom Penh Mennonite Church. Piseth was the moderator for the service and translated for Dad during sharing/testimony time.

Stay tuned for the next blog within a few days...