Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tourists in Thailand

While we've been waiting for our baby's arrival, we've been enjoying time to rest, read, home school, sleep in, catch up on communication, rest, and read some more. We've also spent a few days out, enjoying some of the many things Chiang Mai has to offer.

Here we are at a botanical garden, where the kids got a big kick out of feeding the fish
(sorry, sideways again!)

The garden also had a (very) mini-zoo...

... and fun paddle boats. (But have you ever tried to paddle-boat 8 1/2 months pregnant?!)

We enjoyed a delicious dinner at a restaurant called Duke's, where the kiddie meals were enormous - well, all the servings were big, actually!

Kai ate most of his meal, a feat that amazed his parents! : )

Another day, we went to the Chiang Mai Zoo, which was really nice and in a beautiful setting

A highlight for all of us was buying food to feed a hippo family (father, mother and baby)

Here's a view from above the hippo's mouth! Teeth run all the way down it's throat, or so it seemed.
Juliana and Kai enjoy a close-up look at a giraffe
We've enjoyed playing "tourists" here in Chiang Mai, but are starting to miss our home and friends in Cambodia, where we know the language and how to get around. We're thankful for this restful season - but hopefully we meet our little one soon!
- Bethany

Monday, December 6, 2010

Initial Weeks in Thailand

(Amazing! We're actually up to current events... or getting very close.)
As most of you know, we're in Thailand right now, awaiting the birth of our third child and second son (so they tell us). We are staying at The Juniper Tree, a guest house/resort in Chiang Mai for Christian workers/missionaries in Asia. It's been a wonderful time to rest and prepare for the upcoming changes in our family and schedule, and we've enjoyed being a part of the community here.

This is our house, a two-room "cabin" on stilts with a big porch for playing, reading, and riding scooter and tricycle.

The first full day of our stay, Missy King's care package arrived to brighten our days of waiting. We had such fun checking out the goodies - games, toys and reading material! So thoughtful - thanks again, Missy!

Juliana and Kai enjoy the freedom to roam paths through beautifully-landscaped gardens on the property

An extra blessing at Juniper Tree - free laundry service! Every morning (except Sunday), our laundry gets tagged with our room number and dropped off, to be picked up clean and pressed the same evening. Here Juliana's concentrating on safety-pinning laundry with tags...
...while Kai goofs off with the lids to the safety-pin containers!

Another special treat of our time here was making a connection from Pennsylvania... This is Joyce and Lee Mummau, serving with IGo (Institute for Global Opportunities) in Chiang Mai. Ryan worked with Joyce's sister Pauline Boll at S. Clyde Weaver's in East Petersburg, and Bethany's family has attended the same church (Gingrich's Mennonite) with Joyce's brother Robert Weaver's family since before Bethany was born. They contacted us, invited us to their church, and home afterward for a delicious Sunday dinner that reminded us of growing up in PA!
On the second week of our stay, we visited a pool resort with EMM missionary friends also in town to have a baby, and the kids LOVED the high slide - a highlight of the day!

Juliana was great at going down the slide all by herself!

Kai enjoyed the big slide sitting on Daddy's lap, but was game for one this size all by himself!

Here the kids are enjoying a play-place at a local mall. For 30 baht a child (about $1), the kids had a blast in the big play area, especially the great slide into the ball pit

(sorry, this pic is sideways!)

Juliana made a friend in our first weeks here named David. His family is from New Zealand, but live in Singapore. They work with HCJB Global, the same agency Ryan's brother Randy serves with in Ecuador.
If it isn't obvious, we're enjoying our time here in Chiang Mai. Still waiting on our baby's arrival (one week late today!), but we're being blessed in the waiting - while trying to be patient!
- Bethany

October Snapshots...Continued

Juliana gives Kai a physical/check-up. Perhaps to see if he's in tip-top shape to travel to Thailand the beginning of November?

Juliana works diligently on her handwriting work for home school. She's learning lots of new things in kindergarten this fall - and doing a great job!

Since there aren't too many photos showing the upcoming addition, here's a pregnant picture for those wanting to see the belly. : )

Allison (on far left), daughter of Sopheary and Mades from PPMC, celebrated her 3rd birthday the end of October. Kai and Juliana were happy to help her celebrate, but Kai didn't want in the picture. (Davey Will, cousin to Allison and son of Sopheaktra and Mark, is beside Juliana.)
- Bethany
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October Snapshots

A few more "catch-up" snapshots from the month of October...
Over the Khmer Buddhist holiday of Pchum Ben at the beginning of October, we enjoyed a short visit to Kompong Thom province to visit the families of some friends from PPMC. In the photos above and below, we shared a meal and an afternoon siesta with the family of Chomno, a former dorm student who returned to his province to work in a new dormitory for a Christian ministry. We also visited Sophea's (another dorm student) family, but forgot to take photos!
October and November are the tail-end of the rainy season in Cambodia, but still capable of damaging downpours. These photos are from one particular storm that left much of the city of Phnom Penh underwater. We were fortunate that water didn't come into our first-floor rooms (though some leaked through the walls!), but many others had standing water in their homes.
Juliana demonstrates the depths of the water
We use the outside "porch" area to store stuff, and even kept boxes for friends who were moving houses, so made a mad scramble to get cardboard boxes out of the flood zone!
Oh, the adventures of living in a tropical climate! : )
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Snapshots from Phnom Penh Mennonite Church

Which font is easier for you to read in the sign above? (After quite some time in language study, we're happy to say that we can read both.)
We see this sign on Sunday mornings as we gather to worship with our brothers and sisters at Phnom Penh Mennonite Church. The congregation is made up primarily of universtity students and a handful of young families. Following are some pictures from recent congregation events.

Our EMM regional representatives, Skip and Carol Tobin (L) pray with the elders and I as we commission a new elder team for the church. L to R Dady, Sokhom, Mades, and Sopheary. (Picture taken October 2.)

Ryan will continue to play the role of advisor to the elder team as they provide leadership for the congregation. Though each elder is very busy with responsibilities outside of congregational life, the Tobins and I are very hopeful about what God will do through this team of elders as we work together. Will you pause for a moment and say a prayer for this team, that they may work in a spirit of unity as they discern God's vision for the congregation life and ministry?

After Sunday morning services, many young people enjoy visiting together. Recently, the congregation has also enjoyed fellowship meals/potlucks about once a month. Above, people fill their plates at the food table.

How's it taste? Chumnap and Chenna give a thumbs up...

Davey Will and Allison enjoy some drinks together. Juliana and Kai enjoy playing with these two and some other young friends at the church.

Before preaching a sermon one Sunday morning, Bethany helped me perform a skit called "A Servant." (Kai wanted to be with Mommy and Daddy, so he was "helping" too!)
At the present, we do not have a pastor at the church, so the elders and I are taking turns preaching or inviting an outside speaker to preach. Last month I preached my first sermon in Khmer. I was grateful to hear from a few of the folks that they understood about 90% of what I said.
We're grateful to be growing in our relationships with friends at PPMC. It's not just our job or role as missionaries, more and more we're able to really worship and find friendship in this context. We praise God for the ways we are able to give and receive from brothers and sisters here in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Summer Snapshots - August

Though several months ago, here's a couple pictures of events that took place in August...

This photo marks the last Sunday before we said, "Good-bye" to our friend Kosal, who is now in New Holland, PA serving with MCC's International Visitor Exchange Program. We will miss Kosal, but we look forward to the possibility of him meeting some family members in PA.
With Kai and Juliana at our kitchen table, sit Mary, Sreymom, and Chhayrorn. These three students from the women's dorm volunteered to help with some of the dorm director tasks during the interim month between the former director and the new one. We hosted them and thanked them with a pizza supper.
Moniroth (R) joins Sokheang (L) and I in providing leadership for the Dormitory ministry. We are excited about the passion she has for healthy community life.

Homeschool Begins! Sitting at our kitchen table, Bethany reads to Juliana. We're using Sonlight Curriculum, and are excited about reading so many books to/with Juliana.

Friday night is regularly "Family Night" at our household. The idea/concept was shared with us by another missionary family. We take turns choosing the fun activity each week and then enjoy it together. Here Kai is helping Bethany make the pizza (and taking a few nibbles of the yummy mozzarella.)


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bethany's Trip to the USA

In July, I had the blessing of being able to fly back to PA to participate in a dear friend's wedding. I was "home" for just 6 days, in an attempt to not leave Ryan and the kids for longer than necessary. It was too short a time for all the visits I wished I could've made - but the time I had with family, the bride and groom, and a couple friends was precious!
I arrived on my brother Barry's birthday, so we caught up over his birthday meal at Shady Maple Smorgasbord. So much yummy, PA Dutch food at once was a bit overwhelming! Here he's opening his gift from Cambodia

The next day, the Freed family gathered at my brother Jon's new home, and we took a photo op

I was so blessed by time spent with dear friend Jen Eby...

... and a surprise evening with best-friend-from-childhood Missy Bachman : )

Here I am with the gorgeous bride, Jess Miller, dear friend since we were counselors together at Kenbrook Bible Camp in 1997

Jess and Paul McCormick (10 July 2010) - the lovely couple!

I also had the pleasure of meeting my sister-in-law Alex (married to Ryan's brother Rodney) for the first time, a year after their wedding in France (which Ryan attended alone). I spent one-and-a-half days with the Umble family, and was grateful that my time coincided with a family reunion on my father-in-law's side.

After a whirlwind week, I was back on the plane to fly home to my wonderful husband and two great kids! It was so great to see family, friends and good ol' PA, but my heart is here in Cambodia with my own family and where God has called us to live and serve.
- Bethany

PS. This is old news, but in case you haven't heard, we are expecting our third child around November 29. I just realized that due to sporadic posting, we hadn't yet announced my pregnancy on this blog. : )