Though several months ago, here's a couple pictures of events that took place in August...
This photo marks the last Sunday before we said, "Good-bye" to our friend Kosal, who is now in New Holland, PA serving with MCC's International Visitor Exchange Program. We will miss Kosal, but we look forward to the possibility of him meeting some family members in PA.
With Kai and Juliana at our kitchen table, sit Mary, Sreymom, and Chhayrorn. These three students from the women's dorm volunteered to help with some of the dorm director tasks during the interim month between the former director and the new one. We hosted them and thanked them with a pizza supper.
Homeschool Begins! Sitting at our kitchen table, Bethany reads to Juliana. We're using Sonlight Curriculum, and are excited about reading so many books to/with Juliana.
Friday night is regularly "Family Night" at our household. The idea/concept was shared with us by another missionary family. We take turns choosing the fun activity each week and then enjoy it together. Here Kai is helping Bethany make the pizza (and taking a few nibbles of the yummy mozzarella.)