Which font is easier for you to read in the sign above? (After quite some time in language study, we're happy to say that we can read both.)
We see this sign on Sunday mornings as we gather to worship with our brothers and sisters at Phnom Penh Mennonite Church. The congregation is made up primarily of universtity students and a handful of young families. Following are some pictures from recent congregation events.

Our EMM regional representatives, Skip and Carol Tobin (L) pray with the elders and I as we commission a new elder team for the church. L to R Dady, Sokhom, Mades, and Sopheary. (Picture taken October 2.)

Ryan will continue to play the role of advisor to the elder team as they provide leadership for the congregation. Though each elder is very busy with responsibilities outside of congregational life, the Tobins and I are very hopeful about what God will do through this team of elders as we work together. Will you pause for a moment and say a prayer for this team, that they may work in a spirit of unity as they discern God's vision for the congregation life and ministry?

After Sunday morning services, many young people enjoy visiting together. Recently, the congregation has also enjoyed fellowship meals/potlucks about once a month. Above, people fill their plates at the food table.

How's it taste? Chumnap and Chenna give a thumbs up...

Davey Will and Allison enjoy some drinks together. Juliana and Kai enjoy playing with these two and some other young friends at the church.

Before preaching a sermon one Sunday morning, Bethany helped me perform a skit called "A Servant." (Kai wanted to be with Mommy and Daddy, so he was "helping" too!)
At the present, we do not have a pastor at the church, so the elders and I are taking turns preaching or inviting an outside speaker to preach. Last month I preached my first sermon in Khmer. I was grateful to hear from a few of the folks that they understood about 90% of what I said.
We're grateful to be growing in our relationships with friends at PPMC. It's not just our job or role as missionaries, more and more we're able to really worship and find friendship in this context. We praise God for the ways we are able to give and receive from brothers and sisters here in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.