A few more "catch-up" snapshots from the month of October...
Over the Khmer Buddhist holiday of Pchum Ben at the beginning of October, we enjoyed a short visit to Kompong Thom province to visit the families of some friends from PPMC. In the photos above and below, we shared a meal and an afternoon siesta with the family of Chomno, a former dorm student who returned to his province to work in a new dormitory for a Christian ministry. We also visited Sophea's (another dorm student) family, but forgot to take photos!

October and November are the tail-end of the rainy season in Cambodia, but still capable of damaging downpours. These photos are from one particular storm that left much of the city of Phnom Penh underwater. We were fortunate that water didn't come into our first-floor rooms (though some leaked through the walls!), but many others had standing water in their homes.
Juliana demonstrates the depths of the water
We use the outside "porch" area to store stuff, and even kept boxes for friends who were moving houses, so made a mad scramble to get cardboard boxes out of the flood zone!
Oh, the adventures of living in a tropical climate! : )