The following pictures and stories are random snippets from the past three months that are worth including in a blog, but don't necessarily go together. So here's a "catch all" post of random glimpses into our lives...
Kai and Juliana standing in fromt of the wall of Thanksgiving |
We started a new tradition this past Thanksgiving - listing things we're grateful for on pumpkins and decorating our wall with them for the season. A fun family activity that kept our blessings before us for several weeks, not just one day. : )
Our landlord with Kai and Juliana, showing the cross-section
of a jack fruit which he just picked and cut from a tree in our yard |
Victorious predator and his handicapped prey
The day before Thanksgiving, our cat Simon, while chasing a rat, somehow caused it to fall from our second-story porch onto the concrete below. It wasn't killed by the fall, but must have been maimed, for it made very little effort to move after that. Of course, as rats are a major nuisance to our family, we can't say we were too sorry, and left it to it's demise in an abandoned lot next door. (This is one of the better-looking rats we've seen, though! And yes, we've seen our share up close...)
Our Silly Screen-licker |
"Yummy! And what a fun texture..." |
Aslan is a wonderful little boy, but he sure keeps us on our toes as he finds very interesting ways to spend his time! He's fallen on the concrete steps, broken a bottle of hot sauce he snatched from the open fridge, has eaten (or attempted to eat) countless strange objects not fit for human consumption, and one day, we discovered him trying to lick the window screen. Sigh.... (You can join us in praying for his safety and health, and especially peace of mind for his mommy!)
"...I don't need any silverware."
While Gerry Keener visited Phnom Penh on a recent Asia trip, he treated the EMM team to dinner at a Chinese noodle restaurant. We all really enjoyed the delicious noodle soup, but Kai had his own very special way of enjoying those noodles. : )
Juliana enjoying Thanksgiving Day lunch |
This Thanksgiving, instead of joining with other families to celebrate, we enjoyed a semi-traditional meal I made for lunch before we headed out of the city for two nights/days of mini-vacation at a nearby resort. Rather than try for an expensive, imported turkey from the grocery store, we complemented home-made bread stuffing, baked corn and frosted pumpkin bars with a local rotisserie chicken!
- Bethany