Monday, April 30, 2012

Dorm Retreat 2012

This spring, our family once again joined the students of the EMM dorms for the annual Dorm Retreat, a time to get away from the city and studies and to play, relax and get to know one another better. March 8 (International Women's Day) found us traveling by chartered bus to Sihanoukville in Kompong Som Province - also known as "the beach." : ) We enjoyed free time to play on the beach, the opportunity to eat fresh "grueng samut" (seafood), listening to a Cambodian young woman serving with YWAM share her testimony and Ryan share on God's plan for love relationships. And what's a fun time in Cambodia without dancing Khmer-style to loud music? (Unfortunately, we don't have pictures of that. : ) )
Women's Dorm Director, Moniroth, holding Aslan at Thmal Roong
a pitstop on our way down to the beach
Men's Director, Dady Ezra, and his wife Sreyroth
with two of their children, Rachel and Benjamin
Playing an icebreaker game before the worship service
Sharing and praying in small groups
The annual bus photo : )
The annual beach photo : )
Eating chicken-and-rice lunch before enjoying Kbal Chai, a waterfall attraction,
on the way back to the city
Fun with our little troopers at the waterfall
For anyone familiar with Mo Willems books', this is a shot from his
upcoming book called "Don't Let the Baby Drive the Bus!"
 And once again, we returned home two days later both refreshed AND exhausted, but looking forward to a chance to do it again next year!
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Ministry Update

A glimpse into some activities from the past several months...

PPMC Christmas 2011 Pageant celebrating the birth of our Savior!
(they did a great job, as usual)

A visit to Mesang (where teammates John and Debbie work) in early January ...
...included playing silly group games with project staff and local pastors
The engagement celebration of PPMC elder Sokhom and financée Kunitha, led by elder Mades
newly-engaged Uncle Sokhom holds a happy Kai : )
Ryan preaching on bearing fruit at PPMC
Dorm Seminar on First Aid and CPR led by former dorm students
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