Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun with Parents/Grandparents-Part 2

While Mom and Dad were here, we took a vacation trip six hours North to Siem Reap, the most popular tourist area in Cambodia. During one of the days there we took a day to walk around several of the ancient stone temples.

A smiling group. (Juliana was more interested in a new-found flower than seeing some old buildings...)

"Maw-maw", Juliana, and "Paw-paw." This was the first temple we saw and Juliana still had a good amount of energy. She, her brother and her Daddy only lasted half the day of hiking and sightseeing. They chose a nap instead of seeing the famous, "Angkor Wat."

Dad and Bethany in front of "Ankgor Wat," the temple complex that is displayed on the Cambodian flag. The day was fun, but tiring. The rest of the vacation was a bit more relaxing...
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Anonymous said...

Juliana is my kind of girl, enjoying flowers!! Noticed Bunny is still "alive and well" in her care! Thanks for the update!

Keirn said...

Hey guys, we studied ankor watt last semester in survey of world architecture. A very interesting place.