From February 17-21, our family had the privilege of fellowshiping with members of our EMM "family" of workers in Asia at a retreat held in a beautiful setting about 3 hours west of Bangkok. We don't have lots of pictures to share from this wonderful and inspiring week for a couple reasons: a) at such events we tend to focus more on what's happening than remembering to record it pictorially, and b) many of our fellow participants serve in sensitive locations and we can't share their photos/names on the web. But we do have a few worth sharing, so here they are!
Kai actually fell asleep standing/leaning on Ryan's lap in the van on the way to the resort. : )

Juliana had a more comfortable-looking spot for her nap!

One of Juliana's buddies of the week, two-and-a-half year old Lia.

More friends enjoy the big swing outside the dining area. The resort had a pool, and was situated right near the River Quay, so was actually quite comfortable (compared to Cambodian heat this time of year!).

Our friend Julia, who serves the deaf community in Bible translation work in the Philippines (and is deaf herself).

When we left Thailand to return (very refreshed!) to Cambodia, Kai was fascinated with the windows of the airplane, but...

...not so happy when the flight attendants tried to enforce the rule about not shutting them during the flight. (Is that just an Asia thing? I don't remember not being allowed to shut the windows on flights over North America... but one is not allowed to close the "blinds" while flying here.) We had a great time in Thailand, but were glad to arrive back on Cambodian soil again!
- Bethany
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