Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bethany's Trip to the USA

In July, I had the blessing of being able to fly back to PA to participate in a dear friend's wedding. I was "home" for just 6 days, in an attempt to not leave Ryan and the kids for longer than necessary. It was too short a time for all the visits I wished I could've made - but the time I had with family, the bride and groom, and a couple friends was precious!
I arrived on my brother Barry's birthday, so we caught up over his birthday meal at Shady Maple Smorgasbord. So much yummy, PA Dutch food at once was a bit overwhelming! Here he's opening his gift from Cambodia

The next day, the Freed family gathered at my brother Jon's new home, and we took a photo op

I was so blessed by time spent with dear friend Jen Eby...

... and a surprise evening with best-friend-from-childhood Missy Bachman : )

Here I am with the gorgeous bride, Jess Miller, dear friend since we were counselors together at Kenbrook Bible Camp in 1997

Jess and Paul McCormick (10 July 2010) - the lovely couple!

I also had the pleasure of meeting my sister-in-law Alex (married to Ryan's brother Rodney) for the first time, a year after their wedding in France (which Ryan attended alone). I spent one-and-a-half days with the Umble family, and was grateful that my time coincided with a family reunion on my father-in-law's side.

After a whirlwind week, I was back on the plane to fly home to my wonderful husband and two great kids! It was so great to see family, friends and good ol' PA, but my heart is here in Cambodia with my own family and where God has called us to live and serve.
- Bethany

PS. This is old news, but in case you haven't heard, we are expecting our third child around November 29. I just realized that due to sporadic posting, we hadn't yet announced my pregnancy on this blog. : )


kristinbucher said...

Hey, I've been catching up on your last several posts. Glad to see you all are well! Hope the rest of your pregnancy is good.

Joanne Fetzer said...

The photos are lovely! I especially love the one of you and Missy. : ) I hope you'll have time to keep us updated on the homeschool front this fall too! It's always good to see photos and hear what you're doing.

Unknown said...

yep. fun to see pictures from the U.S. so glad to catch up with you for a few mintues. also nice to see pic of Jen eby...i haven't seen her in forever. :) hang in there deserve something extra fabulous for being pregnant AND homeschooling. :) mis